past project: FDTD Near-Field Simulation

This post motivates this work. Current near-field radiation calculations have only been applied to simple geometries which of course restrict the systems that can be simulated.

I will be using MEEP because it meets my requirements:
- open and free
- scriptable to automate simulations
- large user community for help

My only complaint about meep (so far) is that it's a PITA to compile on a system without apt-get.

My first task will be to simply recreate the results of analytical solutions found in the literature with FDTD. I'll simulate two parallel plates of silicon very close to each other. I'll try to calculate the energy transfer given two temperatures for each.

I'll tag the work related to this project with: nffdtd.


  1. Hi Majid,
    I am trying to find the dispersion plot for a air silver air interface.(IMI structure). The thickness of the metal film is 50 nm.The code is given below but i do not get expected dispersion curve(for even and odd modes).kindly tell me if my code is incorrect in logics


    (define myAg(make dielectric (epsilon 1)
    (polarizations (make polarizability (omega 1e-20) (gamma 0.0038715) (sigma 4.4625e+39)

    (define-param eps2 1) ; dielectric constant of waveguide2
    (define-param eps3 1) ; dielectric constant of waveguide3
    (define-param w1 .5) ; width of waveguide1
    (define-param w2 1) ; width of waveguide2
    (define-param w3 2) ; width of waveguide3

    (define-param sy 12) ; size of cell in y direction (perpendicular to wvg.)
    (define-param dpml 1) ; PML thickness (y direction only!)

    (set! geometry-lattice
    (make lattice (size 1 sy no-size))

    (set! geometry
    (list (make block (center 0 0) (size infinity w1 infinity) (material myAg))
    (make block (center 0 -0.75) (size infinity w2 infinity) (material (make dielectric (epsilon eps2))))
    (make block (center 0 1.25) (size infinity w3 infinity) (material (make dielectric (epsilon eps3))))


    (set-param! resolution 20)

    (set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Y) (thickness dpml))))

    (define-param fcen 0.5) ; pulse center frequency
    (define-param df 1.5) ; pulse freq. width: large df = short impulse

    (set! sources (list
    (make source
    (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))
    (component Ez) (center 0 -0.9))))

    ;(set! symmetries (list (make mirror-sym (direction Y) (phase -1))))

    (define-param k-points
    (vector3 0.0 0 0)
    (vector3 1 0 0)))

    ; define a series of k-points
    (define-param k-interp 19)
    (set! k-points (interpolate k-interp k-points))

    ; calculates frequencies for these k-points
    (run-k-points 300 k-points)

    kindly reply as i am stuck and i will be looking forward to your reply

  2. Sorry I'm not involved with this work anymore so I can't help you. However, if you leave your post here someone might help you. Thanks for your interest.
